Testimonials from CSC Members

  • You've found a great place to share and learn here, with lots of support in both technical and spiritual areas, which I think sets CSC worlds apart from most others. I've learned more in the last 5 or so years than the previous 15 of doing church tech and am continually amazed at how much more there is to learn. Quite a few porta-churches and touring groups frequent the list as well, so there's a lot of opportunity to learn new tricks and share what you've already learned.
    - Jeff Klein  |  Maryland
  • I remember when I was younger and eager and bought into many of the myths of SR and acoustics (once in a while, one will still sneak up and bit me, which is when CSC has been such a blessing.) The fact that so many industry experts and long-established consultants and designers are willing to be patient and wade through our naive and loaded questions amazes me.
    - Jeremy Carter  |  Indiana
  • ...if a conversation here seems way to over your head but you're really interested, ask. There are plenty people here who will take the time to point you in the direction of reference material to learn about it, or explain it to you personally. I know the guys here have been a really big help and have helped me to learn a lot. You mentioned bbs format, you can certainly go to the archives, but of all the BBSs I've been on, I've never been on one such as CSC that is so personal and friendly. I believe the email format helps to keep it very friendly and personable.
    - Mark Huber  |  Texas
  • I am amazed at the time some of the contributors have to make the posts they do here and still make a living. I think the same. Those who invest in others in a Christ-like manner are investing in ministry – this is a ministry, and all who contribute will be blessed for what they give. And according to scripture, people are blessed to receive as well! "... to give is a greater blessing than to receive" (Acts 20:35) With all the great gifted people in this discussion group, I tend to be more on the receiving end! :>) What would ministry be like today without CSC throughout the years? Thanks Curt and Jeanna, and to all.
    - Dave Hooker   |  Canada
  • I'm not sure what ministry I would be serving in today if it wasn't for Clarity and Soundcheck® [Magazine] many years ago. Those mags were around when I first started doing sound (or became interested in it) – in my pre-internet days. I found them to be highly motivational and informative for learning the craft, and my increased education from those readings almost instantaneously led to leadership positions in the sound ministry (as there was a need), and multiplying my enthusiasm and knowledge into others. No one else was around here to teach me when I started – no other sources of information seemed to be available – except those magazines – thanks again Curt!! I still have quite a few of them, BTW.
    - Dave Hooker  |  Canada
  • I just want to say how much I appreciate this community. It's not just the excellent technical assistance and support - essentially it's the people - each one of you. You are a wonderfully diverse group of people - all part of the Body of Jesus. ... you are a great source of encouragement to me as together we seek to follow Jesus. Thanks Curt and Jeanna for bringing us together. Thank you, each of you, for who you are and your diverse contributions. I just want to bless you all in the Name of Jesus..
    - Richard Wilson  |  South Australia
  • I have been working as a volunteer at the sound mixing console at my Church. Through a former Pastor's son, I found out about CSC. I signed on to CSC lists in February. I do not have the words to express how important and valuable this has been to me and our Church family. I would like to thank Curt and Jeanna for this website and all of you for sharing your knowledge everyday.
    - Jerry Kemme  |  Oregon
  • First of all, I would like to tell you that I really appreciate the time and effort you put into making sound a ministry and not just a chore we do every Sunday. It’s really frustrating sometimes when no one seems to understand the amount of work sound techs put into a service, yet the first time anything is remotely “wrong” we become the scourge of the earth. Thanks for using your talents and gifts to help others!.
    - Jason Phelps  |  Virginia
  • Your articles are killer!!!!!! You really look at both sides. Every sound tech AND church member should have to read your articles before they can even join the church!!!!!! LOL.
    - Bryan Jordan  |  South Carolina
  • CSC is easily the best and the most complete technical resource I have. Thanks heaps, and God bless as you serve him in this, your passion area.
    - Bob Laubach  |  Pennsylvania
  • This list is a great thing and you have blessed a lot of us by following the Lord's leading in creating it!
    - Bob Brock  |  Maryland
  • This message is to thank everyone for their help. Your help taught me things about wireless that I didn't know, identified the problem, identified the culprit, put me in touch with those who can provide further assistance and provided the justification needed for buying new stuff. Knowing that there is a place I can go for help when things get over my head. Priceless.
    - Greg Pinckert  |  Alaska
  • What an education! This thread has been a world of information for me and I have saved most of the posts for future reference. ... I am truly amazed at the level of concern and help from the people on CSC. Peace be with all of you this new year and thank you for all your help and kindness.
    - Mike Garozzo  |  Pennsylvania
  • At last...after many, many months of planning and building, our sound booth is finished!!! We should be commissioning it this week! I feel the need to thank the list and its "advisers" for their timely and expansive knowledge, particularly when it pertained to advice regarding splitting our mic lines to drive two mixers. All is working effectively ... which suited our church budget ($very little)! The information gleaned from this list has been an invaluable tool and aid for us in our service to the Lord through the Sound Ministry at our church. To the multitudes that offered advice, profound our hosts Curt and Jeanna...God Bless You...I don't think we could have bought the info we got from this list.
    - Jon Griffin  |  Salvation Army - Australia
  • I've learned so much thanks to CSC. This forum is awesome mostly because so many people take time to share and help each other out. What a true gift of stewardship!

    Today, I sang in the grand mass of the Southwest Catholic Liturgical Conference (27 diocese across 7 states). The mass was at a nearby church, (my first visit there was the rehearsal just a few days prior).

    Due to the lurking and learning from this forum, I was able to help optimize sound - repositioning (mostly eliminating - less is more) numerous mics to effectively cover a 30-person choir (in 5 rows of pews); cover an ensemble of piano, organ, 4 brass, 2 flutes, a violin, two guitars, a guitarrsn (mariachi bass guitar); and ensure separation from the trap set (yes acoustic drums) and the mics. During the run-through tonight, we were able to confirm that all for vocal parts came through with plenty of gain and no feedback. After the mass, so many people commented on the wonderful music and a few local parishioners commented on the improved sound clarity.

    Additionally, at the rehearsal a few days prior there was a ringing tone that would hang for a millisec originating at the lectern (ambo) mic and the cantor's mic. Thanks to a technique learned here, I was able to isolate the tone by first increasing the gain on the low-mid EQ and then sweeping until the frequency was dialed in. Now, we could lower it just enough to make it not activate at all. A little tweak to the neighboring mid high and bass and we were back to a pleasing tone on the mics! In talking to the local sound guy, they had been struggling with that ringing tone for months and had no clue how to fix it.

    Thanks to all for the little tips that you share each day here. They do get consumed by so many of us and their benefits reach far beyond this forum. Thanks be to God.
    - Todd Leach   |  Texas

  • … many thanks for the continuing effort and dedication you and your team put into maintaining what has become a 'lifeline' for many of us. It's amazing how quickly we miss it when it stalls... anyway it did enable me to get on with some real work for a while! ;-) Your newsgroup is a fine example of how the Internet can get people to work together sharing experience and knowledge. It is certainly my early morning coffee break read!.
    - Carey Davies  |  United Kingdom
  • I just wanted to let you know how blessed I have been lately by reading the CSC list. It's not only filled with a wealth of technical information, but the heartfelt spiritual counseling and guidance from you and others on the list is just tremendous. Thank you again (and Jeanna) for hosting such a wonderful forum! I just wanted to let you know I am praying for you and your ministry, specifically that God will give you the physical strength and endurance while you burn the midnight oil.
    - Andrew Mundy  |  Maryland
  • I am thankful for this list, because it makes us virtual neighbors even though we are physically scattered all over the world. I find that many of the other audio professionals on this list share my passion for *good* sound, and have a heart to serve the Church with excellence. I greatly appreciate this discussion forum, as it allows me to learn from the wisdom of many others. While I volunteer my time to my church for sound, video, and other technical matters, I am also in the sound- and video-system design business. Learning from others' experience helps me avoid mistakes and do a better job, whether for the profit of my business or for my church body.
    - Kenneth Reighard  |  Pennsylvania
  • I'm the main sound tech (volunteer) in a church of about 250 in Tillsonburg, Ontario, Canada and over the last couple of years I've read, re-read and made others read most of the articles and sample discussion threads available on the CSC website. Many thanks Curt for a great resource that rescued me from the hands of some well-meaning knob-twiddlers and garage band junkies! I look forward to what I expect to be an important next step in my ongoing training.
    - Tim Cowan  |  Canada
  • Just wanted to drop in as a new member of CSC and say hey from Cincinnati, OH. I am the worship leader of a Vineyard church here in town, and I come from the land of studio engineering and producing as well as some fairly serious hours put in behind the FOH desk around the country. I'm 36 with a wife-that-I-don't-deserve and two really cool kids. You can usually find me on the back deck reading something and drinking dark roast, vacuum-brewed coffee or riding my old motorcycle around town with a guitar strapped to the back. I want to say that I love the "heart" of this list, and I'm floored by the helpful attitudes of all you guys (and gals) – and with such a range of experience too.
    - Tyler Brown  |  Ohio
  • Well as usual we have so much to be thankful for and we just wanted everyone on this list to know how thankful we are to have a bunch of friends like you. Our live sound has made such an improvement since we been a part of this forum. You folks have helped us with equipment choice, directions for purchases, and opinions that helped us make decisions. For all of this we are forever grateful!!!!!!
    - Bruce Weeks
  • Curt, I don't know how I can thank you enough. For this list being here, for your wisdom, and for your divine timing.
    - Karl Freudenreich  |  Ohio
  • The value of this list is in part due to the depths of the various topics. Sometimes we wonder about the more final outcomes, and it is great to hear such a report.
    - Paul Kealy  |  California
  • I have been tapped for some additional technical responsibilities and leadership at church, and my ultimate goal (and my mandate from my Pastor) is to train and develop leaders to carry out the work of the media ministry at our church, Friendship Worship Center in Abbeville, SC. From my prior experience with the CSC, there is no better resource for informal training, real-world application of knowledge, and association related to the technology side of ministry.
    - Andy Johnson  |  South Carolina
  • I just want to thank you and all the others for a very educational thread. I have not one doubt in your personal and business integrity. As I read in an old post of yours, titled something like "Y'all are so Cool", it is so obvious that through this ministry God has brought together a fantastic and unselfish group of professionals, amateurs and lay ministers. All of which seem eager to help one another out.
    - Jeff Martin  |  North Carolina
  • Thank you so much for the service you provide for all of us. I cannot begin to tell you how much I have learned from the people on this list. Not just about the technical aspects but also the human aspects of our involvement in this ministry field.
    - Greg Rachal  |  California
  • You and the list have been a great source of inspiration in times of trouble, and an incredible resource when a question needs to be answered.
    - Dave Marks  |  Texas
  • Right in the middle of our first of 3 services celebrating our Lord and Savior. What a job it has been! Long rehearsals, changes to the program and a lot of personalities to deal with. I'm looking out over a sea of people and listening to our fantastic choir and traditional musicians combined with out contemporary singers and the band. What a blessed event. Hard to believe we pulled it off. We are using just about every mic we own and 38 of our 40 channels.

    I could go on for a lot longer, but I needed to thank everyone on the board for all the help and support. I seem to pick up something from almost every post and thread. Wanted to especially thank Curt and family for this great resource and their blessings to each and every one of us. This community gives me reason to go on each week and continue my work for our Father.
    - Lee Hoyt  |  Florida

  • Ten years ago my church task was in chaos. We had a poorly designed system in a live auditorium. Standing waves and comb filter problems galore with very uneven sound throughout the auditorium. My ears (and I am an engineer by degree and vocation) said the spoken word was clearest when not run overly loud. But staff members insisted the louder the better, and even reoriented speakers during the week when I was not present. This led to not only a lot of personal frustration, but also much disrespect of me from the church family. I was once presented with a letter of reprimand from a staff member stating the musicians had 100% say on FOH. I refused to accept it stating I could hear the music, the musicians could not, and that I would gladly work with the musicians to give them the artistic impact they desired.

    Both my team and those of the musicians are all volunteer. One music team leader did not know what she did not know. Once a vocalist in the worship team who had intermittent hearing problems kept asking for more monitor. I complied, but then this leader publicly lambasted me for poor balance. It was obvious to me the leader was hearing the monitor wash overpowering the FOH, but my explanations were not accepted.

    My breakthrough came with a change of music leadership. The new man had three years of physical science in college, but more importantly wisdom. He was the one who told me about this listserve and suggested I subscribe. He subscribes and lurks. Two years ago there was an extensive discussion on monitors and the problems they cause with wash. He could not believe such a simple thing as a monitor could be so complicated. But he also recognized that what this group's consensus was on that issue was consistent with my insistence of certain monitor placements. He has since trusted my judgment completely. He had always tried to retain an open mind, but previously did not understand my issues. Today he is pushing for a Hearback system to allow all musicians to have their own mix while minimizing monitor wash.

    Bottom line is that this ChurchSoundcheck list was instrumental in developing a loving cooperative relationship between musicians and techs. That and a Worship Leader who lives his love of Christ.
    - Anonymous CSC Member

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